All these testimonies of laity are extracts from the originals.

Collection 1       Collection 2       Collection 3       Collection 4       Collection 5      

Collection 6       Collection 7       Collection 8       Collection 9       Collection 10      

(See also testimonies of clergy and religious)

After reading TLIG in 1991, I realized the beauty, love and elegance of the words of God towards us, and experienced a deepening of conversion because of TLIG. After reading I was more aware of God in His sweetness, gentleness, and how forgiving He is towards us. I am now vibrant and alive, because of my awareness of His personal Love for me in my life. My love for God has grown, and TLIG is a love Hymn from heaven.
(A M., Australia, 1991)

Since 1991 I have read all the books of TLIG. I have found them very beautiful. I am trying very hard to follow what Jesus wants from us. Despite my many misfortunes and feelings of isolation I have found the strength to trust in Jesus. I know that there is a reason for everything that happens in life. Through TLIG I know Jesus is in control. And that he gives us strength. Trust has been my big improvement.
(F. W., Australia, 1991)

As a Christian I have been Baptised in the Holy Spirit. My husband left me, as he could not stand my religion and Christianity. Praying brought him back after seven years and we remarried. Vassula's TLIG books came into my hands soon afterwards, in 1992 by a miracle. From the start of reading the books, I felt Jesus was speaking to me personally. Only after reading the first book, did I read that Jesus said to put our name in the place of Vassula's. TLIG has taken away all my confusion. I know where I'm standing with God. I read my bible nearly everyday, and my husband is now reading Vassula's books, and has become more soft towards me now, so I have the freedom to express my spiritual life without the former limitations.
(V. H., Australia, 1992)

Since reading TLIG books, although already converted, I have a gradual improvement in my prayer life and above all, a much better understanding and love of the Triune God. Also I have a more loving relationship with the father and the Holy Spirit. When Vassula was in Sydney Australia in 1992 and standing close to me, I perceived Jesus talking to us through her.
(J.C. K., Australia, 1992)

On the Sunday before Pentecost I was reading your first book of diaries. The book was given to me by a good friend who is exceptionally faithful to Jesus and Our Lady. Ron believes in and keeps track avidly of many Marion apparitions and spiritual movements in the world. My friend Phil also had become very excited and joyful about your book. As for me, I only took their gift of the book out of respect for their friendship - I never intended to read it. But, true friendship is a powerful thing, so I eventually decided to try reading some of it, and tried have an open mind. On that Sunday, as I read through one of the earlier pages, I began to wonder if I too could have a more intimate relationship with my Lord. So, I turned to him and asked in a simple prayer "would you make yourself even more known to me?"
(J. O., Missouri, USA, 1992)

Reading the messages of True Life in God my life and conversion changed most profoundly. If I may add that I fell in love with the Catholic Church and all it represented to the Christian world. My faith has deepened to levels I did not believe was possible. Especially my love for the Blessed Trinity and Our Lady. Furthermore just as was experienced by Vassula via her son, one early morning at 01:00hours Jesus asked me three times via my then toddler son Roberto who somehow sleep walked to me whilst I was reading the TLIG messages asking me if I loved Him. This happened three times in succession every time I took my toddler son back to bed. This event only dawned on me as to what transpired that early morning many weeks later. I thank the Blessed Trinity for that.
(M. V., Johannesburg South Africa, 1990)

Since reading TLIG books, in 1992, since then, my life has changed as I have learnt many things. I want to go to Mass, and go to make visits to be with Jesus in The Tabernacle, and I want to pray for hours and go to Reconciliation each month at least. It seems to me that I cannot go on without prayer. It has become my strength, even though I have finished all the TLIG books, I read parts of the books over and over again, and every time I do, it seems brand new again.
(P. W., Australia, 1992)

On January 11, 1992, at the St. Francis convent in Independence Missouri, Vassula Ryden, chosen handmaiden of the Lord was the guest speaker. Immediately concluding her speech, Sr. Mary Lucille Sterbenz directed my daughter, Janie & four year old grandson Curt to Vassula. It was there that my grandson was immediately & miraculously healed of crippling Junior Rheumatoid Arthritis. He had been diagnosed at Children's Mercy Hospital in KCMO at the age of two. On this day, as on many others he was unable to walk, or to even wear shoes. He was feverish & in great pain. Vassula, asked `What is the problem'. Vassula then prayed to God, Jesus & the Blessed Mother for healing. Through her prayers Curt was healed. He is drug free and all health problems related to the arthritis have vanished.
J. Mika, USA, January 1992

The writings between you (Vassula) and Jesus have moved my relationship with Jesus in the Tabernacle to a depth which I cannot put into words. Thank you. ... When Fr. Fannan visited Little Rock, we visited over tea at Marylake and I shared with him this story: In 1988 with my family, I visited Italy on the way from Medjugorje. I saw a statue in Florence. It was a life-size wooden carving of Mary Magdalene. Last year, in 1991 I attended the conference with Fr. Henry in Pittsburg when you spoke. When you walked to the microphone and began to pray with us, I saw this statue in your place and repeatedly heard (inside), `the Magdalene, the Magdalene'. During your talk I experienced God in a way which I attempted to tell Fr. Fannan but I became overwhelmed and could not speak further. I saw in Fr. Fannan's eyes that I did not need to speak - he understood.
(S. G., USA, April 1992)

Vassula, through you we have been able to 'hear Him', and my relationship with Jesus is now alive with intimacy and passion for His love. Thank you for being His instrument in this life. Thank you for allowing us to hear His song of love.
(Y. B, USA, July 1992)

I cannot begin to express my personal gratitude for you and for the Lord's work in you. Your books are the clearest expression of God's boundless fire of love for all of us, that I have ever seen. It's also very important that we don't have to be perfect first! it is a powerful testimony! ...
I wanted you to know how far and wide your work is reaching. We are in a small town in very poor, very rural, southeast Louisiana. Your work and the Lord's words are known here and are spreading every day. Our worlds are far apart but we are united in Christ's love and with the power of the Holy Spirit!
(J. V., USA, July 1992)

The first time I heard about the six volumes of `True Life in God' was through a friend of mine who sells them. Immediately, I felt that I should have them. I went to her house and bought them. No sooner did I begin to read the first book - I had the feeling as if He was speaking to me directly and the messages have made me aware that I need to improve spiritually.
(A. M., USA, September 1992)

Vassula, I first heard of you and of the messages that Jesus dictated to you in May of the present year, and from that very first moment my heart filled with joy because I recognised Jesus way of speaking and loving in your writings. The first thing that came to my mind was: "it's Him!"
(A lady from New Mexico, 1993)

I was baptized in Catholic Church when I was 10 years old. During recent years after experiencing baptism in Holy Spirit in a prayer group and renewed my commitment to Christ, I was influenced by the teaching from Pentacostal/Evengelical Charismatic church. For several years I doubt the Catholic church and I ask God which church is His true Church which I should follow and God gave me an answer and convinced me when I read True Life in God book-1 written by Vassula where our Lord stated that The Catholic Church is His True Church , the Pope is the apostolic successors of Peter and Mother Mary in Mother of God and Mother of Church.
(J. G., Indonesia, 1993)

After the talk I had the chance to tell Mrs. Aquino that I saw her rubbing her eyes during Vassula's talk. Mrs. Aquino told me that she saw Vassula's face look like the face of Jesus with a beard, which is exactly the way I saw her too. Mrs Aquino said she could not believe what she saw so she kept on rubbing her eyes. The lady beside her had told her that she also saw Vassula's face change and it was only then that she found out that she really saw what she did.
(M. T., Philippines, 1993)

The conversion of our daughter Lisa (Milligan) was an answer to our prayers. She had so many problems and we never lost our faith that she would return to Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother. It will be a month in two days that she attended your lecture. Thank you for being so kind to her and for you taking time to talk to her in private. You should see her now! She is radiant with happiness and joy! She went to confession and now she is going to Mass (which she had stopped going) and most important receiving the Blessed Sacrament Our Lord. Praise be Jesus!
(E. V. L., USA, February 1993)

I saw Jesus Christ in person of Vassula Ryden when she and the group pray `Our Father'. Her face change to a man and this is Jesus Christ our Lord. I'm so happy and I'm praising the Lord.
(M. L. B., Philippines, June 1993)

The first time I saw and heard Vassula speak was last Thursday 18.6.93 at the Stella Maris Chapel, Cubao, Philippines from 9 o'clock - 11.30 a.m. Vassula transformed before my eyes (I was sitting at the first row) into Jesus' Mother Mary and other spirits who I am not sure who they were.
Especially the part where in Jesus talks to Vassula about the 'REBEL' I saw Vassula transform (even her clothes) into a man in a silver metal warrior's consume. I saw different beings, queens, Jesus at 10 year old; Jesus at around 13 years old - different ages - different women I think one was Mary Magdalene w/long clothes. There was constant light around her, engulfed in clouds also. Vassula's height stayed the same.
(M. A. R., Philippines, June 1993)

We thank you (Vassula) for this wonderful meeting with you (Copenhagen 3 September 1993). I can tell you that there was 2 persons, who were healed; a lady, who was going to be operated for cancer and the following day she was cured, which the doctors confirmed. Another man was mentally ill but now he is healed.
(H. and R. A, Denmark, October 1993)

What I saw through the camera was her face with a suffering expression, with a very intense and profound gaze in her eyes. I did not see, but immediately recalled, the face of Jesus in the photo of the Shroud of Turin. The look in her eyes moved me to sadness, as when you see an injustice being done to someone. I asked myself, I wonder if it hurts her that I film her. Immediately, the thought came to my mind that she was asking: "What have I done to you that you hurt me so much?". After that I was hesitant to film any more from a close distance because I thought it hurt her. Later, however, I was given to understand that it was not she who was asking the question. It was a question that came from Jesus. And I was also given to understand that my sins hurt Him.
(L. B., Puerto Rico, 1994)

She began watching the first tape and shortly after the tape began Vassula's head was replaced by the head and face of our Lord Jesus. There was no aura or halo about or around our Lord's Head. It was as if our Lord simply replaced Vassula. During the tape, Doloras got up quietly and went into the bathroom to freshen up. She said she was atraid she was becoming "obsessive" by seeing this vision and thought that a break from the tape might get things back to "normal". When she returned to her place, Jesus was still there so she decided to just sit through the tapes and figure it out later. When the tapes were finished, she said to her friends that she thought that the "special effect" of Jesus's head replacing Vassula's was a nice touch. Everyone looked at her. No one else in the group had seen the apparition except Doloras.
(S. C., USA, 1994)

She again took the position of the cross. She tried again to stand up and laid her head on my arm (I was kneeling beside her). Her head was down and I caressed her face and her hair and said "Jesus I love you". She opened her eyes, showing a light blue color (Vassula's eyes are brown) with a sweet and loving look that I will never forget. Her weight was so heavy that I could not hold her and she had the Third Fall. I was so shaken with emotion since I felt and truly believed that I had Jesus in my arms. I asked for help to accomodate her on the floor. She called me with her eyes and I approached her. She then made the sign of the cross on my forehead with the two fingers that were maintained erect and which felt like two bars of ice. It was impossible to bend the fingers.
(Dr. G. M., Puerto Rico, 1994)

At the time I was introduced to her, her face faded out and changed to look like Jesus face. At that moment I realized I was in front of her but also and as well in front of Him, this was for about thirty seconds. I looked around and again at Vassula's face and still His face was there looking at me with the greatest kindness I have ever seen, and a crown of thorns was on His head. Despite smiling at me He was in some sort of deep pain; I wanted to kneel. Then a soft voice coming from Vassula said something to me but I could hardly answer. Again I saw His face. By this time the group noticed something was happening; I was speechless. Now, as Thomas, I also repeat "because I have seen, I believe".
(Dr. N. E. A. M., Puerto Rico, February 1994)

I closed my eyes and started to cry and to pray. I could not believe in that moment what I was experiencing. When I opened my eyes I saw Vassula levitating, holding all her body just with the tip of her feet and the top of her head. She had both arms stretched. She was some 4 inches from the floor for about 4 to 5 minutes. She gave a message and it was written.
(R. A. Arroyo, Puerto Rico, February, 1994)

On Vassula's talk, the 12 of February, 1994 at Manates, Puerto Rico, she was explaining and reading the messages she receive from Jesus. As I was sitting on the front seat close to the podium, I could see her better than the rest of the people sitting far away.
All of a sudden, when I look at her, I didn't see her face, I saw the face of Jesus, a very clean cut face with his hair in a pony tail. ... I looked around seeing other faces but then I looked at Vassula again I kept seeing Jesus face. I shivered and was filled of deep emotion. ... After this, at one point, of the Conference instead of Vassula's face I saw her head covered with the mantle of the Blessed Virgin. I didn't see her face or any face, just the mantle, the way some sculptures make her statue in heavy thick layers of clay showing the folds of the mantle.
(A. F. F., Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, February, 1994)

The graces which Jesus bestowed upon me occurred during your prayer of the Rosary began during the first mystery when I started feeling inner currents of electricity over my body. At the end of the mystery I began to see a constant and pulsing aureola of white light around your head, Vassula. Then, to my amazement and joy began to see that your whole face and figure was becoming that of Jesus.
(N. H., Puerto Rico, February 1994)

At this point she looked at me, to my eyes - but she was not Vassula anymore. Those were not her eyes, they were the most pure, sad, clear and tender eyes I have ever seen. I could say that the closest to it has been when contemplating Jesus in a beautiful statue or a painting. Those eyes looked at me directly into my eyes profoundly and smiled at me with the most beautiful, loving, tender and pure smile I have ever experienced. I started to feel that I was such a sinner and such an unworthy person and yet that smile told me that I was loved and I was called. Then I grieved for all my continued offenses and my imperfections. Again, I lowered my eyes and tears came into my eyes before this Powerful Presence I felt there.
(M. S., Puerto Rico, February 11, 1994)

Your interview is making many conversions, even among the clergy. I know a priest, here in Brasilia, that does not believe in Heaven, In Purgatory, in Hell, in Lourdes, in Fatima, in Medjugorje and in you. After he saw your interview, he became another man (at least about you). He phoned to many friends of his saying that he now believes in you. And he cried: `It's wonderful! I believe, it's Jesus really that's talking to her! She's not lying I'm sure! I saw her, it's truth!
(A lady, Brasilia, Brazil, February, 1994)

I saw Vassula Ryden for the first time at a home in Fairfield. I was seated in the audience about 50 feet away from her as she spoke. After she had been speaking about a half hour, I began to see the face of Jesus in Vassula. Her face changed to the face of Christ similar to one that she has painted. He had a beard and long hair, and there seemed to be a mist surrounding him. I should point out that at this time I had not seen the face she painted. It was not until the next day someone showed it to me, an I realized the similarity. ... Then, several minutes before her talk ended, I saw Christ's face again, but this time He had a crown of thorns, and I could actually see blood dripping down the sides of His face. ... Vassula's face returned as she was ending her talk.
(S. A. P., Orange, USA, June 1994)

In October, 1994 during Vassula's conference in New York at `Pray, pray, pray activity' while I was looking at Vassula on the screen, her face suddenly seemed to fade out slowly and the face of a man was appearing. I recognized the features of Jesus Christ with beard, moustache and His hair darker than Vassula's. While Vassula was speaking Jesus was moving his lips too as though he was speaking as well. At first I did not believe what I was seeing, so I picked up my glasses to see whether I was mistaken. When I wore them I still saw Jesus and this time I recognised the face of the Shroud. The one that is on the covers of True Life in God. I noticed His fine long nose while he was still moving His lips. After a few seconds, He faded away so that I could see Vassula's feminine face again on the screen. Then again He appeared and so forth, back and forth several times and finally Vassula's face reappeared till the end. I was so happy ad I bless God for this grace.
(G. B., Monaco, October, 1994)

The group that had gathered to attend Mass and Vassula's presentation were lined up outside praying the rosary. While on the the 4th decade, around 20 - 15 minutes before they allowed us to enter the cathedral, a collective gasp went through the entire group. People began to look up and point to the sky, and so I glanced up too and saw a rainbow. But it was not your usual rainbow which is fully arched and extended (and comes after rain - which there was not a single drop that day). This seemed just a section of one.
Now I would like to explain the pictures. ... I took the second picture not really expecting it to reveal anything more that what's seen in the first picture (profile of Jesus in cloud formation). Then the profile began to emerge. I say emerge, because I wasn't expecting to see the formed image on the picture because it was so much clearer than I had seen it on the day I took it. Also, although at Stockton I believed the formation to be the profile of Jesus, the picture resembles more the way the Eternal Father is portrayed. For a while I couldn't figure out who's profile it was, until I realised that the message that Vassula received for the Stockton assembly that afternoon was from the Eternal Father. For me, all this was, and is, just another confirmation of Our Lord's presence, and His attempt to give evidence of the veracity of His messages through Vassula . . .
(J. V. C., USA, October 1994)

During Vassula's Conference in New York at Pray, Pray, Pray activity, I saw Jesus' face instead Vassula face for several seconds. This happened in different occasions during her talk. I saw Jesus' face and what really struck me was the fact that in the left screen I had Jesus' face with clear and beautiful blue eyes with no microphone and in the screen to the right side was Vassula's face, very clear with the microphone in front of her. I tried to avoid to look at the left screen but I had to look. I also saw the face of Our Lady in the right screen. What a beautiful face with her veil.
(F. F-B., USA, October 1994)

The experience happened one afternoon as I was playing with my 3 year old granddaughter Krystal, who at the time was reciting names of family members from pictures hanging on my living room walls. Among these portraits was a picture of Jesus. She pointed to Jesus, said his name, turned to me looking directly into my eyes said `Vassula', for a moment I was stunned, I had to ask her what she had said and looking still in my eyes, the name `Vassula' was stated. Knowing that my granddaughter had never heard this word or would have been able to pronounce it in such clarity as she had done. I called my spiritual priest (Rev. Paul NM. Williams, OF) and told him what has happened, with great understanding, the priest explained that it was a message of confirmation from our Lord to him. He said he was asking God to give him a sign, `and He gave me it through a baby'.
(M. K., USA, October 1994)

When Vassula was speaking it was more easy to me to look at the screen instead than to her. On the screen her face was half Jesus and half hers. I did not want to say it, but when I heard another person saying it to Fr. O'Carroll, I thought I should say it too.
(G. M., October 1994)

I hereby declare that I saw, on the 9th day of October, the face of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The face of Jesus was one with Vassula Ryden as she spoke during the Marian Conference. I saw the face of Jesus throughout her talk. I did not expect it, I did not look for it, I did not ask for it. I completely surrender it for God's Glory.
(E. U, Germany, October 1994)

The Jesus that I knew for most of my life was not the Jesus that Vassula as talking to and as I read each page of her first book I became entranced with this new God that I had never understood or known at all, and yet He was always there! I felt my heart responding powerfully to Jesus' words through Vassula and I devoured each page as if I were a starving man - you could say that I had been searching for this understanding all my life because I was never content with my faith as it then stood. Suddenly, I wanted more, a sincere love that would truly change me and lead me along the road I'm travelling now.
(G. B., UK, December 1994)

After a moment on the conference I was sure Vassula's face had disappeared and in its place I could see Our Lady of Narek. Later just when the conference was about to end, I saw God the Father's Face. I say so because His beard and moustache were greyish. This testimony refers to what I myself saw, not knowing what other persons saw.
(M.I., Tucuman, Argentina, December 1994)

I certainly have become more detached from all material things - I believe it is no coincidence that my friend Maria (who I pray with according to True Life in God guidelines) and myself both independently of each other chose to give up television - this has created a were peaceful environment in our homes creating an atmosphere more conductive to prayer. Many years ago I had a vision of the Sacred Heart - I did not know why or what it meant - I also had a second vision of the Heart of Jesus not long after I began to read True Life in God messages - March 1994.
(B. O'S, UK, December 1994)

After Father O'Carroll's presentation and when Vassula came to the messages transmitted by Jesus, I began to feel a strange force which made me drowsy and clouded my intellect. I wasn't able to control it. I was almost unable to open my eyes and look then I began to see a change in Vassula's face: it changed to the one of a man with a moustache and short brown hair, his complexion was tanned and I noticed brown curl locks on both sides, his lips thinned and he stared towards us frequently. `It is Jesus', I thought. ... And it was then, during the praying of the rosary that I, as driven by that interior force which made me drowsy; saw, over Vassula's face, the appearance of another face; the one of an old man with white hair, white moustache and white, straight, short hair. This image was full of light and it forced you to close your eyes. He also looked towards us - I, bewildered, asked myself, `What am I seeing?'
(A lady, Argentina, December 1994)

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