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A report about this encounter is copied below the video display.

Inside the Church, Vassula shared her first experience of attending Catholic Mass:

'I was there with my sister attending Mass. It was my first Catholic Mass and I did not know how to follow it either so I thought it best to copy what the others were doing... if they knelt, I knelt as well, etc.. When the time came and the priest was giving out the Holy Communion, I had no idea what to do or what was really going on. We saw the people lining up and I asked my sister whether we should do the same. She refused, but I decided to join in the queue. Arriving towards the priest I saw the people stretching out their hands and so I decided to do the same. Of course the priest offered me the Host in my hand. When I looked at Jesus, I did not recognize Him, and I wondered what this was, I said to myself: 'What is that?' I went back to my seat and asked my sister, 'what is that?' she replied: 'I don't know'. Mass was over and I still held Jesus in my hand and was already thinking of placing Him near my icons because, I thought that if the priest gave this it must be holy and blessed. We went out into the Church yard and it was already dark.

My sister then said; 'Do you think it could be the Communion? Try it and put it in your mouth and if It melts, then It is the Communion. If it does not melt, then it is something blessed and holy'. So I tasted Jesus, and ate the Bread of Life the Bread of Life that Jesus wanted me so much to have'.

'What is that!' These words in Hebrew are famous and are the popular explanation of the name 'Manna'! (Exodus 16:16). When the whole community of Israelities began complaining to Moses and Aaron in the desert that they would starve to death, Yahweh said to Moses; 'Look, I shall rain down bread for you from the heavens (Exodus 16:4). 'When the dew fell on the camp at night-time, the manna fell with it' (Numbers 11-9).

Bread from Heaven! It's another way of saying; Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. When Vassula said: 'What is that?' she didn't know, at the time, that she was declaring a truth of great importance: Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, His real Presence, He is the Bread from Heaven. 'I have offered you from the Palm of My Hand My Celestial Manna; I have offered you, while crossing this desert part of My Cloak; to 'to keep you alive, I have offered you to eat My Body and drink My Blood' (July 27, 1992)

'My children, our love must be not just words or mere talk, but something active and genuine. This will be the proof that we belong to the truth...' (1 John 3:18-19)

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